Walking Nine Worlds Meditation

Here is a second walking meditation for the same purposes as the last one. This one utilizes a visualization of walking through the Nine Worlds and honoring their Gods and spirits, rather than simply walking the Great Tree and the Runes like the previous ritual. Nine is a sacred number in the Northern Tradition (as you may have deduced by now), so this walking meditation utilizes nine steps for each of the Nine Worlds. Each line of the meditation has nine words, and you say one word with each step. While I have arranged this meditation from the Land of the Dead all the way up to Asgard, the Realm of the Sky Gods, you can easily walk it in the other direction. In fact, if you need another eighty-one steps, just turn around and do it back down the Tree. End by saying, “Hail to the ones who came before me!”

First, pause, breathe deeply three times and center yourself, and say, “Hail to Yggdrasil, World Tree that shelters us all!” Then step forward and say the first line, one word for each step; then the next line, then the next, until you have honored all Nine Worlds. You can also say one of the four phrases for each step, turning this into a 36-step meditation. You can also reverse it and go from the top of the World Tree to the bottom.

1) Helheim’s Gate, Ancestor’s Wisdom, Barrow Mound, Lady of Shadows!

2) Niflheim’s Gate, Dragon Tracks, Roaring Cauldron, Lake of Ice!

3) Svatalfheim’s Gate, Nidavellir’s Depths, Darkalfar Forests, Song and Craft!

4) Muspellheim’s Gate, Flaming Sword, Wildfire Laughing, Spark of Life!

5) Midgard’s Gate, Humanity’s Haven, Serpent Guarded, Family and Friends!

6) Jotunheim’s Gate, Nature’s Teachings, Mountain Guarded, Tooth and Claw!

7) Vanaheim’s Gate, Beauty’s Blossom, Love’s Sacrifice, Fields of Gold!

8) Alfheim’s Gate, Silver Twilight, Elven Dancing, Glint of Glamour!

9) Asgard’s Gate, Warrior’s Honor, Sky’s Height, Clouds of Glory!