Hail Ostara! Through You tonight, I feel reborn, uplifted, each tear a gift to You, willingly given through joy. Blessed Be, She who gives life each year. My birth date of 22 April brings me closer to You, a journey started at my birth. Light and Love to You, my saviour.
Lit Sun April 20, 2014Ostara, please help...
Ostara, please help and forgive, I asked for myself first. Please help your daughter in light Bluemoonskye with her battles with health and love. She is true in spirit to you always. But she suffers greatly each day. Help her to win this battle.
For this, I will double my devotion to You, and also my efforts in saving Your creatures and Mother Earth. I will not stop until my last breath. You know this is Truth. I know you have guided me on this night, Blessed Be.
Lit Sun April 20, 2014Ostara, please help...
Ostara, please help me be what I am meant to be, throw away the lies and darkness and let Your light shine upon me as it was meant to be when I took my magickal name.
For this, I will I will do all you wish of me, give back all I have taken without thought, and bring love and peace where I can. In Your name, I ask this.
Lit Fri April 18, 2014Thank you Ostara, for...
Thank you Ostara, for the new start you have brought me this week - new job, house sale and new city. Blessed be