Mimir's Gifts

Mimir by MariaMimir is an oracular God, but he does demand offerings for his trouble. He can reach into the depths of the Well of Knowledge, but he wants something in return. Strong alcohol, poured into a large bowl of water or a body of fresh water like a lake or pond or stream, is one of the quickest and easiest offerings to him. However, sometimes he wants more. Often he will ask for a drop or two of blood, or perhaps a deed that you must do before he will give you your answer. Be assured that even if the deed sounds easy, when you actually go to perform it, it will be difficult. Perhaps excruciating. He wants to see you work for it.

Another offering to him is to offer to be his eyes for a day. For this, you must be an appropriate vessel, meaning that you must have enough psychic power for him to get his eyes into you. If he agrees, then for one day from sunup to sundown, everything you see, he sees as well. He does not generally speak or otherwise make himself known during this time - you are lending your eyes, not your body. While he may request that you make an effort to observe certain things, he is more likely to let you choose and then see what you pick. He will judge you on what you choose to show him, and he may reject it if he feels that it was not worth the answer.


Artwork by Maria.