Frigga's Gifts

Frigga by Thorskegga Thorn 1Frigga is often called upon for protection of the family, for keeping family bonds together in times of strife, for safety in childbirth, and for protection of children. She is also called upon for peace in other organizations - tribes, clans, non-profits, small companies, etc. - and for diplomacy in times of strife. She blesses married women and is called upon for weddings, and to help married couples weather the storms of ill fortune. As the patron of wool-spinning and the home, she can be called upon for fiber arts and other domestic arts as well.

To make a Frigga altar:

Colors: White, ivory, blues

Symbols: Norse spindle, spun wool, hearth, birch tree.

Altar Suggestions: Traditional Norse-style spindle, white wool (carded or spun), spinning equipment, bunch of old-fashioned keys, the rune Berkana, plants and trees sacred to Frigga (see article on this site).

Food and Drink: Organic milk, mead, pastry, light fruity wines, Riesling.

Service Offerings: Help mothers and children. Make peace between warring members of a group. Clean your house, or someone else’s. Help someone get organized. Comfort the grieving. Take in other people’s foster children. Put peace in the home first for a day.

Contraindicated: Letting the altar area get dirty. Frigga prefers cleanliness and neatness.

Frigga values kindness and work, in that order, so the best offerings are those of aid to others, especially to women in need. If it's money or time you'd like to give, we suggest helping out local women's shelters, midwives, local programs to aid nutrition in pregnant women, and programs that teach skills to housewives and mothers just entering the workplace.


Artwork by Thorskegga Thorn.