To Bless A Bow And Arrows

by Geordie Ingerson

UllrarcherTo bless a bow that it may shoot straighter, and arrows that they may find their goal, break an evergreen branch and bind it to the bow with white yarn like snow. Bind a sprig to each arrow as well.  Take it into the woods and say:

Ullr, Yew-Lord, bless this bow

That bends between my happy hands,

Hallow it with eagle’s eye

That it might send the shaft most swift,

And I might feed my family.

Hold up each arrow and say:

By Ullr’s tree may he hallow thee,

By cold yew bark, find you the mark.

Untie the yarn and hang the evergreen branch over your door. Then go hunting, and if you succeed, give him a piece of the meat as an offering.

Artwork by Audrey.