Invocation to Jord

by Loki Ragnarok

Jord mountain forest

Mother Jord, the receiver of Urdr,

Strong is she, sacred powerful roots,

The Mountains and stones and soil,

The vastness of her womb,

Mother of all that is and was,

She recycles life again and again,

And honors every living creature,

For she is every living creature.

Born of her flesh, her womb, her tomb,

Water and Earth, Wind and Sunlight,

She gives birth to life and holds us.

May we always remember her

As we walk upon her breasts.

It is she who nourishes us,

And she lives inside us,

Forever we praise you, Mother Jord.

Clasp us in your grounding power,

Forever root me down,

And I may forever sing

Praises of your gifts.

My body, this life,

The forests and deserts,

The oceans and their depths,

The rivers, the glacial peaks,

The very ground.

We thank you for all you have given us!

Hail Jord!

Photo by Wasquewhat.