Marriage Prayer for Frigg

by Jack Roe

Frigg by Thorskegga Thorn 2Fairest Frigg, Fensalir’s Lady,

Friend of families, matron of marriage,

Most gracious of goddesses, hear my hailing.

I pray for myself and for her with whom I am handfast,

I pray for peace between our bonds,

I pray for our love to last through the long years

And all the woes that the world can wish on us.

I pray for patience on both our parts,

That we may salve each other’s sight,

Every time we return to the haven of home.

Yet most of all I ask for aid

When anger burns, and baleful words

Come forth to fire each others’ false suspicions.

Help us to turn once again to trust,

And come with courtesy to the table,

And talk, and find a fairer road to walk.

O Frigg who keeps our knotted cord,

Show us the shared road through the thorns.


Artwork by Thorskegga Thorn.