Words of Expectation

by Tone Wasbak Melbye

Grey WolfI fear these bonds are weakening

these thougths that keep me still

of all things weird and wonderful

that draws me from the kill


I will not yield, I cannot change

yet centuries I sat

with pointed ears, intent to hear

the soft step of a cat


And still I stay, I watch and wait

for stringy bears to show

and for a fair young maiden

a footlong beard to grow


In time I'll see the birds form spit

and fish discard their gills

and find the twisted, ancient roots

of gently rising hills


I keep in place in silent awe

of things which fills the mind

with wonder of the wild and strange

like chains around thoughts twined


The things which those around me now

by petty fear let dwindle

and in their steady slow demise

destruction unknown kindle


They make with mad hypocrisy

a world devoid of wonder

and with their righteous ramblings tear

the bond that holds me sunder


They turn the things that keep me back

all dull and trite and bland

in what looks like a race to win

the pity of their fellow man


And then they build around themselves

in hurried wellmeant blindness

A harmless world where horrors hide

in reason and in kindness


I dwelled in marshes at the edge

of what might yet be real

by Loki and Angrboda born

to goodness' damage heal


And when I have no wonder left

no strangeness and no beauty

I'll leave the riverbank to do

my foretold mythic duty


So free me not with your denial

and know that I have waited

For I am Managarmr, Fenrir

hatred incarnated