When Fenrir Punches You In The Gut

by E. Sykes

Chains, there must always be chains.

He will come when your Fear and Anger have become manifest,
Even if you are sure they are Bound.
He will come when you fear what you have forgotten or do not know.
Fenrir carvingHe will come in a gift from a friend,
The truth of which your friend does not know.
He will come on a strange night from a friend
Who will not want to speak the Truth for fear of you.
He will turn your bowels to water and shake you for days.
He will leave you doubting the world you thought you knew.

Chains, there must always be chains.

You will face him first with denial but that will not work.
You will face him next with poetry while you search to find the right words.
You will face him as you try to hold your world together, but it will change.
You will face him as your friends and family do not understand you.
You will face him even as you do not know how.
You will face him knowing that you refuse to become another Wretch who loses this battle.

Chains, there must always be chains.

He will come for you as your friends and family watch.
He will come for you as they chain your arms and legs.
He will come in form of those who strike you until you bleed and bruise.
He will come as pain and taunts.
He will come and call you "Little Man" and tell you he will eat all you care for.
He will come and say and do terrible things.

Chains, there must always be chains.

You will face him as you bleed.
You will face him with words, but they will not matter.
You will face him and realize he will say anything to be free.
You will face him and give up your words, for they do not matter.
You will face him and just keep standing, again and again.
You will face him and LAUGH.

Chains, there must always be chains.

They will stand and watch as all of this occurs.
They will stand with you as you cry and scream and rage.
They will remember your laugh and how you kept standing.
They will be why you do not surrender.
They will be there then and a year later when the fire burns your skin.
They will remind you that Destruction must be Chained.

Chains, there must always be chains.

You stand, knowing who you are.
You know that sometimes, standing is all we are.
You will face Life in a new way, and sing.
You will sometimes LAUGH, and know the truths others do not.
You will face his Fire and it will burn you clean.
Through Pain, Anger and Fear, you will know Peace.

Chains, there must always be chains.
For Fenris must be chained, or Chaos will be King.