Old English Spirit-Song

This is the first small part of a twelve-part song in Old English that is designed to be sung at a seidhr working, not by the seidhworker but by the "caller" who watches out for them. The full song is designed to open the veil to the spirits of the Nine Worlds and invite them in. At this time we are not allowed to make the rest of the song public, but we can post the first part. The words for this one piece come from the Old English poem "The Seafarer". The tune was received by Raven Kaldera.

Forþon nu min hyge hweorfeð

Ofer hreþerlocan

Min modsefa min mereflode

Ofer hwæles eþel hweorfeð wide,

Eorþan sceatas, cymað eft to me.

Listen to mp3 (sung by Raven)
The sheet music is available as a PDF.