For the Lovers of the Depressed

by Shannon Graves

Baldur old 2For my Love has gone down into the darkness

Where my footsteps dare not follow

And I can only pray for their return.


Dearest Baldur, hear me in my sorrow!

Bring your golden light into my Love’s eyes

And show that there is hope in darkness,

And a way back to the glorious world.

Light-bearer, extend your hand

And drive the shadows from my Love’s soul,

Give them wholeness and joy,

Even though they believe it is not possible.


For my Love has gone down into the darkness

Where my footsteps dare not follow

And I can only pray for their return.


Dearest Nanna, hear me in my sorrow!

If my Love cannot see your husband’s light,

If my love cannot reach my husband’s hand,

If my love cannot find hope in their heart,

Let them know at least that they are loved

As strong as you loved, and if my devotion

Cannot be a beacon, let it be a thread to grasp,

Warm arms around them in the darkness.


For my Love has gone down into the darkness

Where my footsteps dare not follow

And I can only pray for their return.


Dearest Hoder, hear me in my sorrow!

If my love cannot see your brother’s light,

If my love cannot feel my heart beating,

If there is nothing but darkness and cold,

Coax my Love’s feet onto the shadowed path

Even if they cannot see the way,

And guide them, even if it must be all unknowing,

Safely to the next step out of the darkness.


For my Love has gone down into the darkness

Where my footsteps dare not follow

And I can only pray for their return,

And so I pray, O Gods in darkness,

Bring them safe home to my sunrise.