Honoring Mani

by Galina Krasskova

Gifts of Mani: Sleep. Good dreams. Prophetic dreams. Healing. Blessings on travelers. Protection of children and the mentally ill. moontrump

Symbols: obviously anything shaped like the moon or with the moon on it, hour glasses, old watch parts, knots, time pieces, calendars, mathematical equations, musical scores, beaded necklaces, mirrors.

Colors: blues, silver, black, purple/lavender, pale white.

Rune: Dagaz (I also happen to see Ehwaz with Him)

Stones: moonstone (obviously), labradorite, selenite, quartz, amethyst.

Food and drink: Sambuca, cookies (especially ones with marshmallow or odd shapes), angel food cake, peppermint flavored sweets.

Other Offerings: jasmine, carnations, night-blooming flowers, highly aromatic flowers, mugwort, blue sea glass, any volunteer work or donations that benefit abused children or the mentally ill.

Things not to do:  harm or abuse a child in any way; mock the mentally ill.


Organizations to donate to in order to make an offering to Mani:

International Society for Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect

Child Abuse Prevention Organization

National Alliance on Mental Illness

American Sleep Apnea Association

Big Sur Land Trust


(Artwork from the Giants' Tarot by HaloQuin)