Prayer to the Norns for Acceptance of Fate

by Seawalker

NorncandlesHail to the Three Wisewomen

Of the Well of Fate,




Readers of wyrd in the water of the Well.

My doom has brought me to this place,

Locked into a life I did not choose.

I know that there are many reasons

Behind my coming here,

And some come from choices I made

And some did not,

But regardless of how much was folly

And how much ill luck,

I am here now,

And this is my Fate.

Teach me, O Keepers of my Thread,

How to learn well from this turning,

How to find the lessons

That will stand me in the best stead,

For I know that only when I have learned enough

Will you weave me free.

Hail to Urd, Verdandi, Skuld,

Grant me one glance into Urdabrunnr’s depths

To show me the right road home.