
by Granuaile

BigSnakestone2My experience of Jormungandr has only ever been a blur of emotions and images like flipping channels too quickly on the TV. Nothing makes coherent sense, but every now and again you catch a word here of there and you get an impression of something. The lore tells us that the Snake encircles and binds Midgard as a kind of protective barrier and filter. But why? Why would Odin and Jor enter into a pact such as this? Why is Midgard so important? Hell, aren’t we spirit-workers always trying to journey beyond its boundaries like there is something better or more valuable to be learned someplace else that we can’t learn just by staying here? What do the Gods and Wights get out of ensuring the integrity of Midgard? What is Midgard’s purpose? What role does it serve in the Nine Worlds other than being this place where these really fragile, short lived creatures exist?

Emotion, especially that triggered by intense experiences in the manifest world like SCUBA-diving with sharks and falling in love, is potent energy. Our emotions are very powerful and can move us to do things that we otherwise might not consider doing. Life is short in Midgard and there are lots of fantastic and wondrous things to do and see and experience here.

Just once when I was in the presence of Jor, I had the impression that the emotional energy in Midgard is like an engine or a battery that powers the grid for the Worlds. Would the Gods and Wights exist without us, without Midgard? I think so. Would their power be at all diminished if we ceased to exist? Probably not. But we are a potent reservoir of energy for them to draw on. They may not need us, but I don’t think they want to lose us either.