Heimdall and Adolescents

by Raven Kaldera

Heimdall15Gods are versatile creatures, and many of them have special interests that are not documented in primary sources, but must be discovered in the process of being involved with them. It has been the personal gnosis of many Northern Tradition Pagans that Heimdall and Mordgud are specific deities to call on for rites of passage for adolescents, and the help them in general. Both provide protection, common sense, advice on how to find one's place within the social order, and good knowledge on how to handle adult responsibilities. Many of these responsibilities seem endlessly tedious to adolescents, much like the unending job of the Guardian. Heimdall has been known to go out of his way to help adolescent boys who are struggling with oncoming adulthood, explaining to them the emotional fulfillment that can come from knowing that you are doing worthy work, even if it does not bring fame and ephemeral pleasure. It's a hard lesson for them to learn, and Heimdall seems to be one who can gently bring them around to it. Parents, therefore, would be wise to call on him when their adolescent son is struggling with this part of the path.

Heimdall is also called upon in our tradition as part of adolescent male coming-of-age rites. Other deities may also be called, but Heimdall is the one who opens the gate and brings them through from child to adult. (An appropriate coming-of-age rite can be found in Horn And Banner: Northern Tradition Rituals.)


Parent's Prayer for a Child's Coming of Age

(excerpted from Be Thou My HearthAnd Shield: Prayers For The Northern Tradition)

Gods Above, my child’s journey is beginning.

Gods Below, my child slips slowly from my arms.

Heimdall, Guardian, protect them as they explore the heights.

Mordgud, Guardian, protect them as they dive into the depths.

Let all doors open to them

And let them choose the right ones.

Gods of the Gateways, hear my prayer.


Artwork by Righon.