Blow, Heimdall, Blow

by Michaela Macha

Heimdall8Fire falls on Asgard's walls,
Red as battle fierce and gory,
Trembling shakes the earth and quakes
As the Einherjar march to glory.
Blow, Heimdall, blow, set the wild echoes flying;
To Gjallarhorn answer, heroes, Hela's hordes defying!
With Gods they die in yon dark sky,
Fall slain on hill and field and river;
They give their soul to reach the goal,
Protect us from the giants forever.
Blow, Heimdall, blow, set all Vigrid replying;
Blow the horn; fight, o heroes - dying, dying, dying.
O hark, O hear! how sweet and clear,
Once more the old horn sounding near!
The young Gods call again to all,
To listening Lif and Lifthrasir!
Blow, young Gods, blow, a new Midgard espying;
Blow, young Gods, answer, eagle - flying, flying, flying!
© Michaela Macha
Adapted from "Blow, Bugle, Blow" by Alfred Lord Tennyson
- This poem is in the Common Domain and may be freely distributed
provided it remains unchanged, including copyright notice and this License -

Artwork by David Feracci.