For Glut, from Her First Husband

by Elizabeth Vongvisith

Glut4You were

the beginning for me—

not the first to be taken

or to take, but my first love;

youth and inexperience

twinned with passion

formed, as it fell out later,

from the wiles of another

whose face was already

branded into my heart.


But while I still could,

I dressed you in soft skins,

colored the air around you

with magic and turned you ripe

and full with night’s animal love;

your laughing daughters with hair

as brilliant scarlet in the sunlight

as your own,

as hers.


I knew I was not doing right,

and you seemed sadder, but even

in my wane and disinterest,

I saw there were better things—

a harvest of mighty trees,

delicate green leaves,

and another man bold enough

to take to wife the first love

of a firebrand whose heart

was pledged elsewhere.


And I knew too that they,

our lovely girls, they would be

better kept under your sheltering arm

than thrown into my wyrd to drown

as nearly all the others have.


So, my earliest hearth-friend,

I have no regrets, and I know

you will forever brighten and adorn

the wood of our kinsfolk

with your clear eyes and hair

like the fiery glow of sunset,

fire, embers and blood.


Artwork by Kendall.