The Mistress of Seidhr

 by Loki Ragnarok

Freya's chariotO Goddess of beauty unspeakable,

Shining with the glory of Beiwe's Rays,

Your features are resplendent golden,

Our lips cannot utter worthy praise.

For Freyja is Ancient and Wise,

Skilled in Witchcraft and Cunning,

Seidr-mistress shaping Time's currents,

Spell-granter and shapeshifter,

Upon Falcon's Wings you have traveled,

You have seen the secrets of nine worlds.


Beloved one born of the Earth,

Born of the Captain of ships,

Sister to the son of grain and pleasure,

Holy one whose venom is deadly and dangerous

As your beautiful allure enticing.

Do not cross Freyja or you might end up dead.

You are the one who is most beloved

And devoted to the Nornir.

You know the lines of Wyrd and the Web of Fate.

The indescribable magnificent Universe,

Its Magick shines about your Neck.


Brisingamen is the very Stars,

Sol and Mani glowing,

The Serpent of the Old Earth, Jormungrund

Swimming in the Cosmic Ocean, Jormungandr

Forever undulating, Border and Barrier,

Who holds the world in her coils.

Jormungandr is the Ancient protector of the Earth

S/he is the whole web,

The runes carved into hir body.

S/he is the magic of the World Pillar,

From shining stars to chthonic depths,

O Ancient Earth ever turning,

May we behold your power!

The House of Mundilfari lies

In the depths of the Serpent's Belly.

You are the Web alive and Time's great Matrix.

Jormungandr swimming in the Ocean of Space

Entwining the stars!


Freyja fill us with your sight and power,

May we unite with the World and Universe,

May we shape the worlds and universes,

From the strength of your hands,

To the hypnotic song of your voice.