Prayer to Freya for Frith

 by Ember Cooke

Freya by Angelic Heresy

Hail to you Freyja, Sovereign queen,       

Fairest Vanadis in all things beauty finding,

Show us the beauty in ourselves and each other.

Lady of love, giving passion without prejudice,

Your power in the circle of Brisingamen is bound,

Which was traded fairly for a taste of your love.

For all that lives, you show respect and compassion.

For all that dies, you show honor and reverence.

Even as we sacrifice in faith to you,

So do you sacrifice to mysteries beyond,

And the blood which binds us each to another,

To gods and to ancestors, thus binds us to all beings.

Within that cycle, bound round like Brisingamen,

You show us that we each live and love and die

And in doing so, we are all much the same.


Artwork by Ciano von Jo.