
Forseti watercolor


by Seawalker


Count them up.

One at a time,

Finger by finger,

Count the injustices

That have rained on you

From the hands of others.


One at a time,

Count up

What you have done

To innocent others

That is equally unfair.

If the lists do not match,

You are lying to yourself.


Now choose one.

Only one.

Do not fall to guilt

Or self-loathing,

Do not fall to hatred

Or indignant wrath.

Just pick one,

One that you are ashamed

To have on your conscience.


Then make it right,

If not with the one

Who was wronged,

Then someone similar

Who was wronged

In the same way.


As you right that wrong,

Ask that a wrong done to you

Be atoned for.

Do not ask the Gods

To make someone suffer.

That is not your right.

This is not about vengeance.

This is about whole-making.


Don’t worry,

The Universe knows

What it is doing.


Be the hands of the Gods

And the hands of the Gods

Will be upon you.


Artwork by OrderInTheQuartz.