That Aged Old Witch

by Jacob Kline

AngrbodawolfThat aged old witch, she sat in the east

In the Ironwood,

With her pack, does she feast

From her loins came three

My warning you should heed

Fenris came, with all his might

With All-Father soon, he will fight

Another did come, in the form of a girl

The dead she inherited,

With them she danced and twirled

Another did come and suckle her breast

With the Midgard Serpent she was blessed

A troll wife she is

Loki Laufey’s Son, she was his

Through this union came all we fear

Even when cursed, that witch does not shed a tear

Strong is she, of Giantess stock

In Niflheim is the wolf in lock

The young girl, banished to Hel

On the road to the gate, so close to the well

The serpent was thrown to the ocean he was

A protection for Midgard, was Woden’s cause

Strongest is she, I do love

Darkest Mother, much beloved

In all this, she does not give up,

When I pass, with her I will sup.