Honoring Sunna

by Galina Krasskova

SuntrumpGifts Sunna Gives: Energy. Time management. Enthusiasm. Motivation.

Symbols: anything shaped like the sun or with the sun on it, sunwheel images, sunflowers, horse drawn chariots, green, growing things. 

Colors: golds, oranges, reds, greens

R une: Dagaz, Sowelo

Stones I associate with Her: sunstone, orange quartz, citrine, amber

Food and drink: goldschlager, cider, mead, apple juice

Other offerings: sunflowers, plants, fruits (especially citrus and apples), gold, any work which benefits the land or works toward helping the environment, mindful work on your own health.

Things not to do: egregiously show disrespect for the land, air, and environment.


 Organizations to donate to in order to make an offering to Sunna:

The Ozone Hole

Climate Action Network

Friends of the Earth International

Global Warming Solutions


(Artwork from the Giants' Tarot by HaloQuin)