Prayer to Njord for Cooperation

statueO Ship-King who keeps the peace on crowded boats

Of our ancestors and of our own lives,

A goal lies now in front of us, for which we all now long,

But this goal will take the cooperation of many hands,

Both those who control, and those who are controlled,

Those who cage, and those who are caged.

O Lighthouse God who keeps the boats

From running aground on treacherous shoals,

Help us to see when those rocky shores approach

And guide us through the dangerous channels,

That we might not run this work aground

On constant arguments that cannot be solved.

O Fisher-King who casts your nets far and wide,

Whose flocks are silver herds, each elusive,

Cast your net of calm and willing help

Over all souls here, and bring in those folk

Who will be a benefit to gain our goals.

O Captain’s God who shows leaders how to make peace

Between warring parties, show our leaders this course

And navigate them across the roughest seas.

O Njord, Ship-King of Vanaheim

Who gave yourself as a hostage to end a war,

Show us how to find cooperation

Among the many warring parties in this field of battle.