Adorations to Jord

by Sarenth

landscapeI adore You, Mother of Midgard

I adore You, Mother Earth

I adore You, Bountiful Goddess

I adore You, Ocean-Carrier

I adore You, Green-Grower

I adore You, Desert-Crafter

I adore You, Glacial-Kissed

I adore You, Deep Cavern

I adore You, Rolling Hill

I adore You, Windswept Plain

I adore You, Mighty Mountains

I adore You, Great Lakes

I adore You, Tectonic Shifter

I adore You, Shaking One

I adore You, Constant-Spinner

I adore You, Balanced Home

I adore You, Fecund Ground

I adore You, Blasted Trees

I adore You, Frozen Peaks

I adore You, Eroding Crags

I adore You, Magma-Holder

I adore You, Molten Core

I adore You, Chaos and Order

I adore You, Cradle of Life

I adore You, Cradle of Dead

I adore You, Daughter of Annarr

I adore You, Daughter of Nótt

I adore You, Lover of Odin

I adore You, Mother of Thor

I adore You, Whose skin is the Earth we live on

I adore You, Whose flesh we burrow in to find metal and mineral

I adore You, Whose bounty is shared at each table, each plate, each bowl

I adore You, Whose rain blesses Her fields, allowing us to live

I adore You, Whose many children bless us with their lives, their milk, their fur, bone, and bodies

I adore You, Whose Children speak to us through animal, bud, leaf, flower, and chitin

I adore You, Whose Children speak to us through land, from cavern to highest mountain

I adore You, Whose Children speak to us in grove, expanse of desert, and our homes

I adore You, Whose Children live in the walls of our homes, the ground, all that allows us to live

I adore You, Whose Children allow us to live in all these places, whether through fiber or fur

I adore You, Whose blood powers the engines of our technology

I adore You, Whose flesh gives that technology form

I adore You, Who allows us live despite our burgeoning population

I adore You, Who suffers our negligence

I adore You, Whose body is ravaged by our greed

I adore You, Whose rainforests are at risk

I adore You, Whose Children still risk themselves for the sake of Your wild places

I adore You, Whose Children still risk themselves for the sake of Your sacred places

I adore You, Whose Children fight each day to reclaim our balance with You

I adore You, Whose Body is neglected and abused by Her Children

I adore You, Whose Flesh is rent and discarded without care for Her pain

I adore You, Whose skies, seas, rivers, oceans, are full of Death and Life itself there is threatened

I adore You, Who gives Life despite all these calamities

I adore You, Who still gives us Life despite all these abuses

I adore You, Who treats humanity with patience

I adore You, Who demands we change our ways

I adore You, Who brooks no path but Her own

I adore You, Who, in the face of our technology, shows our vulnerability

I adore You, Who, in the face of despair, shows us kindness

I adore You, Who is drought and doom, fecundity and flowering

I adore You, Who, if we listen, can lead us to Harmony with You

I adore You, Who, if we observe, can show us a new life

I adore You, Who, if we act, gives us the chance to make our lot, and that of our neighbors, better

I adore You, Who is my home

I adore You, Who is my Mother

I adore You, Who is the Mother of Midgard

I adore You, Midgard Herself

From barren waste to blooming garden,

From old-growth forest to icy tundra,

I adore You, Jörð
