A Prayer to Frey for Vital Potency

by Roberto Battistini

Barley fieldHail Lord Frey,

Rain-giver over the fields,

Ruler of peace and fertility,

Lighting up our life

With your warm sunshine.

Constantly renewing

The vital energy within us.

O Golden One,

Your vigor is reflected on our bodies,

Just as upon the fields and crops,

Granting us rich and virtuous virility

And a healthy way

To bring happiness and fruitful ties.

Lord of Prosperity, King of Elves,

Be with us as the holistic God of the World.

Noble one, with summer's breath

Share your precious gifts with us,

Drawing up our life force,

Bestowing upon us sexual desire and potency,

And blessing us with fulfilling marriages and relationships.

Hail Frey! Let us eat the labor of your hands

And let us be prolific, happy and content,

Our children growing up like trees,

Saplings around the table.

May your blessings reach so far

That we should live to see our children's children.