Prayer Beads for the Pagan Ancestors


These beads were created for those who wanted to remember both the ancient Pagan ancestors and the ancestors of modern Paganism. They consist of five sets of three black beads for the Ancestor Chants, and between these are a series of beads of any colors you choose, symbolizing ancestors of Paganism both ancient and modern. The chants for the repeater beads are three popular Neo-Pagan chants, which can be sung when the beads are told. The section on modern Pagan ancestors can be expanded for other folk who have passed on, if you wish.

I. Repeater Beads: Past, Present, Future

It's the blood of the ancients that runs through our veins,
And the forms change,
But the circle of life remains.

We are lovers, we are healers, and we keep the flame alive.
By our love we live forever, by our healing we survive.

Cauldron of Changes, Blossom of Bone,
Arc of Eternity, Hole in the Stone

II. The Ancients

Blessed be the ancestors of the Nile,
Blessed be the ancestors of the Two Rivers,
Blessed be the ancestors of Hellas,
Blessed be the ancestors of Rome,
Blessed be the ancestors of the Keltoi,
Blessed be the ancestors of the Northerners,
Blessed be the ancestors of the Two Continents,
Blessed be the ancestors of Asia,
Blessed be the ancestors of Africa, especially those who crossed the ocean against their will,
Blessed be all those we have not named, who came before us.

III. Repeater Beads: Past, Present, Future

It's the blood of the ancients that runs through our veins,
And the forms change,
But the circle of life remains.

We are lovers, we are healers, and we keep the flame alive.
By our love we live forever, by our healing we survive.

Cauldron of Changes, Blossom of Bone,
Arc of Eternity, Hole in the Stone

IV. The Martyrs

Blessed be the name of Pythagoras, creator of mathematics.
Blessed be the name of Hypatia of the beautiful mind.
Blessed be the name of Julian, Emperor of reason.
Blessed be the name of Eyvindr Kinnrifi, who accepted death by torture rather than betray his Gods.
Blessed be all the nameless ancestors who followed the ways of the Old Gods.

V. Past, Present, Future

It's the blood of the ancients that runs through our veins,
And the forms change,
But the circle of life remains.

We are lovers, we are healers, and we keep the flame alive.
By our love we live forever, by our healing we survive.

Cauldron of Changes, Blossom of Bone,
Arc of Eternity, Hole in the Stone

VI. The Inspirers

Blessed be the ancients who wrote the stories of their Pagan faiths.
Blessed be the ancient who were not Pagan, but who wrote and saved their ancestors' tales.
Blessed be the name of Robert Graves, poet who called up the Sacred Grove.
Blessed be the name of J. R. R. Tolkien, who put our legends into the minds of modern men.
Blessed be the name of Iolo Morgannwg, who brought back the voice of the bard.
Blessed be the name of Aleister Crowley, who hd no fear and no shame.
Blessed be the name of Dion Fortune, Lady of Psychic Common Sense.
Blessed be the name of Helena Blavatsky, deep thinker who touched Spirit.
Blessed be the name of Mircea Eliade, who searched the world for ecstasy.
Blessed be the name of Marija Gimbutas, who searched the far past.
Blessed be the name of Joseph Campbell, who showed the power of myth to the world
Blessed be the name of Charles Godfrey Leland, who brought us Aradia.

VII. Past, Present, Future

It's the blood of the ancients that runs through our veins,
And the forms change,
But the circle of life remains.

We are lovers, we are healers, and we keep the flame alive.
By our love we live forever, by our healing we survive.

Cauldron of Changes, Blossom of Bone,
Arc of Eternity, Hole in the Stone

VIII. The Rebuilders

Blessed be the name of Gerald Gardner, father of the Craft.
Blessed be the name of Doreen Valiente, mother of the Craft.
Blessed be the name of Alex Sanders, second father of the Craft.
Blessed be the name of Stuart Farrar, third father of the Craft.
Blessed be the name of Sybil Leek, first witch-woman of Britain.
Blessed be the name of Sveinbjorn Benteisson, who brought the Gods of Iceland to the light.
Blessed be the name of Fred Adams, visionary of green imaginings.
Blessed be the name of Victor Anderson, Founder of Faery.
Blessed be the name of Scott Cunningham, greatest of modern cunning-men.
Blessed be the name of Gwydion Pendderwen, first Bard of the New Craft.
Blessed be the name of Jody Menke, who whose queer touch brought color to the world.

Blessed be the name of Isaac Bonewits, first druid of the modern era.
Blessed be the names of all the leaders who have fallen,
May they be carried forever in the memory of their works.

IX. Past, Present, Future

It's the blood of the ancients that runs through our veins,
And the forms change,
But the circle of life remains.

We are lovers, we are healers, and we keep the flame alive.
By our love we live forever, by our healing we survive.

Cauldron of Changes, Blossom of Bone,
Arc of Eternity, Hole in the Stone