Blessing for a Newborn

By Raven Kaldera


Hail to those who have sent this new soul into the world,

And may all the world stand forth to greet him (her).


O newcomer to the bounds of Midgard,

May you grow a strong huge in a strong lich,

And may learning pass many-gifted into your hands.

May you always have a warm hearth to come home to,

A full cup offered to you,

A safe haven to rest your head.

May the storm pass you by,

The fire only warm you,

The tides bear you up,

And the landvaettir be a friend beneath your feet.

May your ancestral Mothers offer you courage,

May your ancestral Fathers offer you wisdom,

Or if you must forge away from your blood’s path,

May your tale be one to inspire generations to come.


Hail to those who have sent this new soul into the world,

And may all the world stand forth to greet him (her).